Tasmanian Land Conservancy Interlaken Working Bee
Over the past seven summers, dedicated Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC) volunteer teams have contributed over 599 days of work removing invasive weeds from the TLC's beautiful Five Rivers Reserve and Interlaken properties, in Tasmania's Central Highlands. We estimate that they've removed well in excess of 1,000,000 weeds!
This summer they're at it again and need three big teams of volunteers for three successive working bees. This approach will allow the group to efficiently to remove the threat of weeds across 20,000 hectares of beautiful highland landscape. It's also bound to be a lot of fun and a great chance to meet like-minded people.
The first working bee of the year will be held from the Tuesday 15 - Friday 18 January at Interlaken. Volunteers can choose to participate in one or more days, but will be required to commit to the whole day.
All working bee activities will take place on TLC's beautiful Five Rivers Reserve at Bronte and our New Leaf properties at Interlaken in Tasmania’s Central Highlands. Accommodation will be provided at either Brady's Lake or Interlaken.
Required knowledge and skills
- No special knowledge or skills are required; full training will be provided to ensure the work is performed safely and effectively.
- A moderate level of physical fitness and mobility is required. However, the work is flexible and can be easily adapted to accommodate different individual's fitness and mobility levels.
- You will need good long distance eyesight (with glasses is fine) to be able to spot weeds.
- You will need to be comfortable wearing personal protective equipment if undertaking spraying.*** Required personal protective equipment includes cotton overalls or a spray suit, safety glasses, gloves, a broad-brimmed hat and gum boots.
- Safety is the first priority. Before the activity commences you'll be asked to complete and sign a Volunteer Safety Form.
Register now
A great response is needed so please register now - more information is provided at the link below and new volunteers are most welcome.