Working bee - Threatened Plants Tasmania

Volunteers are invited to register for this trip on Saturday 22 May, 2021 at the Calverts Hill Nature Reserve to support Eucalyptus morrisbyi plant health monitoring, undertake weed control and sapling density surveys. Please read the complete flier and register by contacting the Field Trip Coordinator.

Eucalyptus morrisbyi is a threatened eucalypt, known only from two subpopulations in the wild. This is a unique opportunity to assist in the conservation of one of Australia's most threatened plant species, in an area not normally open to public access. Read more about Eucalyptus morrisbyi here.

Volunteer Numbers: will be limited to 15 volunteers.

Download flyer

This event is supported by the Australian Government's Communities Environment Program and DPIPWE

Registration is essential by emailing the Event Organiser below, and everyone must also register as a DPIPWE volunteer using the following DPIPWE guidelines:

COVID-19 training and information for DPIPWE Volunteers

In order to welcome volunteers safely, ALL volunteers are required to complete mandatory COVID-19 training and information, including:

  1. ​Review and understand the DPIPWE COVID-19 Safe Plan 
  2. Review the Volunteer COVID-19 Training Information pack 
      COVID-19 Volunteer Training   (343Kb)  

  3. Complete and return the Volunteer Induction Sheet

      COVID Volunteer Induction Form   (109Kb)
    Send the completed form to: [email protected]

May 22, 2021 at 10:00am - 2pm
Meet at Hill Street Grocers car park, Lauderdale
538 S Arm Rd
Lauderdale, TAS 7021
Google map and directions
Magali Wright · · 0424 277 226