Cnr Rosevears Drive & West Tamar Hwy
Legana, Tasmania 7277
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Join the Tamar NRM in their Boneseed Blitz this September!
Boneseed is an invasive weed of national significance. It invades natural areas and out competes native plants. It can be found in disturbed bushland, housing development blocks and in coastal vegetation.
It invades the understorey of bushland and competes with native plants to reduce biodiversity. Dense infestations can also be a significant fire hazard.
Tamar NRM are hosting blitzes in three locations - Launceston, West Tamar and George Town.
Tamar NRM are also helping community groups to tackle Boneseed in their area over September and October. They can help by:
Promoting your Boneseed Blitz working bee day
Supplying weed treatment information
Supplying “Dabbers” for cut & paste treatment
Helping with identification.
Further information on Boneseed available from Tamar Weeds Strategy and DPIPWE website.
Register your Interest – Tamar NRM – Phone 6323 3310