Premaydena Garden- Working Bee

Join us in our fortnightly working bee at old convict site at Premaydena. We aim to transform the paddock into a working community garden which celebrates the rich heritage of the area- Aboriginal, settler and modern. In a setting of native and exotic trees, plants, vegetables and flowers the garden will encompass picnic site, a performance amphitheatre and, at the highest point of the block, a viewing platform overlooking the old Convict Probation Station. picnic site, a performance amphitheatre and, at the highest point of the block, a viewing platform overlooking the old Convict Probation Station.

Contact the organiser for more details. 

March 25, 2023 at 10:00am - 2pm
Premaydena Gardens
1 Jones Rd
Premaydena, TAS 7185
Google map and directions
Mary Mulvaney