Rokeby Hills Community Landcare Group Inc FEB 18th Meet

18th February will be in the public open space connection to Kuynah reserve from Skillon Hill as per the picture/map attached. Our aim will be similar to Toorittya reserve and to give it a quick clean up, and weed control. There is some larger bushes and trees that need to be removed so it would be great to have as many hands on board as possible for this one.
10am till noonish, with the possibility of a quick walk in the reserve after for those interested.
February 18, 2023 at 10:00am - 12pm
Rokeby Hills Reserve / Kuynah Bushland Reserve
6 Mayfair Ct
Howrah, TAS 7018
Google map and directions
Rokeby Hills Community Landcare Group Inc · · 0437097475

Will you come?