Friends of the Henty - Ocean Beach Trail Broom Weeding
For this working bee we will be weeding some of the last remaining mature broom plants at the very end of the trail. A lot of this broom is surrounded by thick vegetation and will be difficult to access, so previous experience with off-track walking is recommended.
We will meet at the Ocean Beach Carpark (note: not the Ocean Beach Trail Carpark) at 9am and we will return at around 12pm.
The weather will likely be bad, so bring a raincoat and warm clothes, as well as some sturdy shoes and long pants. All tools and gloves will be supplied. There will also be a supply of snacks and hot drinks for morning tea.
To participate in our working bees you must first be signed up as a DPIPWE/NRE volunteer, and you can do so online here.
Let me know if you can join us and if you have any questions. We hope
to see you there!