Wildcare Friends of the Henty - Ocean Beach Trail Signs and Regrowth Survey

It's been roughly a year since we first started weeding broom at the Ocean Beach Trail!

For this working bee we will be putting up some informative signs on behalf of the community group that originally built the trail, that have long been waiting for someone to put them up. If we still have some time we will assess some of the regrowth at sites we have previously weeded at.

We will meet at the Ocean Beach Trail Carpark at 9am and we will return at around 12:30pm.

Bring a raincoat and warm clothes, as well as some sturdy shoes and long pants. All tools and gloves will be supplied. There will also be a supply of snacks and hot drinks for morning tea.

To participate in our working bees you must first be signed up as a DPIPWE/NRE volunteer, and you can do so online here.

Let me know if you can join us and if you have any questions. We hope
to see you there!

August 10, 2022 at 9:00am - 12:30pm
Ocean Beach Trail Carpark
Ocean Beach Road
Strahan, TAS 7468
Google map and directions
Wildcare Friends of the Henty ·

Will you come?