Leven River willow check

Kayak tour to inspect willows on Leven River between Bannon's Bridge and Purtons Flats.  This trip is to do some minor treatment of any remaining live willows and re-map remaining willows.  The river is a grade 2 paddle at normal flows.  Participants need a kayak, helmet, lifejacket and paddle and skills to avoid obstacles.  This trip will go ahead at low water levels but will be postponed if levels are above 16cumecs (1500ML/day).  Bring lunch and personal protection gloves, masks, glasses.  I'll provide tools.  Contact me if you have any questions.

October 19, 2024 at 12:00pm - 4pm
Leven River
Bannons Bridge
Gunns Plains, TAS 7315
Google map and directions
Russell Horton · · 0400255946

Will you come?