Warrane Community Garden (native plants patch) weekly muster

The native plants patch at the Warrane Community Garden is a local endemic species showcase project in development. The patch aims to increase the biodiversity within the garden and surrounds.
The patch will encourage native pollinators and support a thriving native ecosystem for birdlife, reptiles and insects. It will eventually be used as an educational site by showcasing local endemic species to the area that visitors can learn about and then plant also plant locally (where appropriate) for success with native plants .

Plants have been selected for wildlife, fibre, medicinal, dyes and bushtucker uses.

We meet weekly and would love to build a devoted team to the native patch to speed along its development. If you are interested in other areas of the community garden you are always welcome to get involved with those areas too. See profile for more information. 

Every Friday between 10am - 12pm. And monthly on the second Sunday of each month between 9am-12pm.

A couple of things that we always ask you to bring are:
- a reusable cup (tea/coffee/water are provided on day),
- garden gloves
- favourite weeding tool -if you have one.
Sometimes there is morning tea to share but in these Covid times there is no expectation or obligation that there will be. 

October 28, 2022 at 10:00am - 12pm
Warrane Community Garden
18 Heemskirk St
Warrane, TAS 7018
Google map and directions
Warrane Community Garden · · 0499078490