Spending the end of August at a biodiversity hotspot!
Join us at the end of August for a trip up to one of the largest remnant patches of native grassland in Australia! Kingston Farm in Conara, the northern midlands, is absolutely magnificent and needs a bit of help to ensure it remains a thriving biodiversity hotspot. We're still figuring out exactly what we will be doing, but it could involve guarding young saplings or removing invasive weeds. Whatever it is, we'll make sure there is plenty of time for us to have an explore.
We will be carpooling from The Wilderness Society in Hobart on Saturday morning at 730am to minimise the impact of our travel, we may need to organise one more volunteer to bring a car! Otherwise, all we need from you is some sturdy clothes for being out in the field including closed in shoes, a water bottle, snacks, lunch for Saturday, and breakfast for Sunday morning. We'll bring along some veggies to do a vegan cook up for Saturday dinner and lunch! If you can bring camping gear for sleeping that's great, but their should be a few spots in the shearers quarters available if you don't have gear, and we will be able to lend anything you may not need!
Get a ticket quick as there are limited spots, and feel free to get in touch with any questions!
August 26, 2023 at 9:00am - August 28, 2023
· 0437 709 764