241 Burnt Hill Rd
Bream Creek, TAS 7175
Google map and directions
We are a community run, NFP incorporated association that coordinates and runs a market garden using permaculture principles to grow and sell vegetables.
We run at least 2 weekly working bees at the garden as well as larger project undertakings such as composting, construction of facilities like a chook pen etc. Our main working bee is on Mondays, but contact us to get involved on other days.
We aim to create a sustainable source of fresh, produce that is locally available for the community of Bream Creek, Dunalley and beyond grown with organic principals in mind , governed by members of the Tasmanian Community, inspired by permaculture ethics and design principles that will help build a true connection between people and the food they consume, bringing members of the community together with social events, education, further enterprise relationships and the aesthetic environment.
We have a roadside stall open 24/7, and have a stall at the Bream Creek Farmers Market the first Sunday of every month.
Click here for our Facebook page