Willow Works on the Kermandie River
This Kermandie river site is host to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including platypus, Eastern quoll and a Wedge tailed eagle nesting site. There is many weeds threatening this site, one of the most significant being the large and expanding willow population.
We will be using Brad's law to expand on the adjacent sedgeland and push back the new growth Willow.
Please send a RSVP text to Seth on 0411102218.
Include if you need to borrow tools such as hand saw and secateurs and I have limited spares.
I will let you know about site access and parking.
If you're keen to stick around, I can give a tour of the more significant areas of the 11ha site.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
August 31, 2024 at 10:00am - 1pm
BushLinks Landcare
· 0411102218