Sycamore Working Bee - Friends of the Leven
!!Sycamore Alert
Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) has been found growing on the Leven River.
Over years, the riparian zone adjoining Paton Park (Scout camp) has become a stand of pure Sycamore.
This tree, native to America, has a helicopter seed that can travel on wind and water for great distances, making it an excellent coloniser. It will take over whole areas by creating dense shade and leaving a thick layer of leaf litter in autumn, quickly dominating and expanding its range.
The Friends of the Leven received a grant to employ a specialist to undertake primary control of this stand. Now, the FOL and Leven District Scouts are joining forces to hand-pull a mass load of seedlings growin in amongst important remaining ferny ground cover, where it cannot be sprayed.
This forest has a long road to recovery, and requires on-going monitoring if we are to stop the backward transformation of the Leven River. Please join us on this important working bee.
What to bring: Warm clothes, gloves, water bottle, lunch (if staying)
The start time is important because we'll be walking in from the Scout camp. Finish time is flexible until 3pm.
This event is supported by the Australian Government Community Environment Program through the support of your local member Gavin Pearce.
RSVP to the contact details below.