Landcare Tasmania offers three types of membership
Join our community network which includes care groups, landowners and managers, and individuals who are committed to improving the health of our natural and working landscapes. We offer the following types of membership:
- Community Care Group
- Individual
- Associate
- School Associate
Before joining as a member:
- Read about our member services
- Read our Constitution for more information on membership categories
- By becoming a member, you agree to our Membership Agreement - Please read before signing up
Membership Categories Membership Decision Tree Landcare Activities Annual Fees
Membership Categories
Community Care Group Membership
A group of people who are dedicated to Landcare activities*
Under the Landcare Tasmania Constitution, any group of people can form a community care group provided:
- At least 2 people agree to form the group, or register an existing group
- The group has a specific purpose related to caring for our land, sky or waters
- All funds raised go towards fulfilling this purpose, and if the group closes the remaining funds will be donated (no profit gained)
A group may be:
- Place-based: a catchment, local area, reserve, property, urban area etc.
- Issue-based: A network or group that raises awareness and takes action on Landcare issues.
- Or both!
Note that:
- Community care groups manage their own activities, members, volunteers and safety
- Are also referred to as 'care groups' or 'member groups'
- Receive full membership and services, including voting rights
- Care Group memberships have an annual renewal date: 31 January each year
Join as a Community Care Group
Individual Membership
A person who is involved in, or seeking to get involved in Landcare activities*, and wants to be part of the community Landcare movement.
You might be someone who:
- Wants to learn new skills
- Undertakes Landcare activities on their property
- Is part of a Landcare Community Care Group (not required)
- Works in a related sector
Note that:
- You do not need to be an individual member to join a community care group - each group will have its own rules for joining.
- Individual members do not receive voting rights
- Individual memberships have rolling renewal dates - your renewal date would be 1 year from joining. There is an option to set up an automatically-renewing subscription.
Associate Membership
Any entity that is interested in community Landcare issues & activities*, but whose main purpose is something else.
You may be an aboriginal organisation, business, club or association, farm, trust, government entity, etc.
Note that:
- Any of the above entities could form a community care group, which would be a separate group with its own purpose
- The fee structure for Associate members is based on annual turnover (see the fee structure below:)
- Associate members do not receive voting rights
- Associate memberships have rolling renewal dates - your renewal date would be 1 year from joining.
School Associate Membership
Any school that is interested or involved in community Landcare issues and activities.
Note that:
- School Associate members have the opportunity to be involved in our Education program
- School Associate members do not receive voting rights
- A flat membership fee of $44 applies
- School Associate membership have rolling renewal dates - your renewal date would be 1 year from joining.
Join as a School Associate Member
Membership Decision Tree
Use this tree to determine which membership category is right for you or your organisation.
*Refer to Example Landcare Activities above to help you decide.
Examples of Landcare Activities
Membership Fee Structure
Membership policy: While Landcare Tasmania aims to make membership fees accessible to all, we understand that this fee structure may not cover all financial situations. The board may exercise discretion to waive or modify a membership fee on a case-by-case basis.