Andry Sculthorpe


Cultural landscape restoration, fire repatriation

Andry Sculthorpe, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre &

Firesticks Alliance Aboriginal Corporation


Hear about cultural fire revitalisation and animal repatriation for healthy Country on lungtalanana, milaythina pakana - Aboriginal Land.

A proud Pakana, Tralwulway man, Andry lives in Hobart and has spent 20 years working in the area of Natural and Cultural Resource Management in Government and non-government organisations predominantly in the Aboriginal Community sector. Andry is currently working at the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, undertaking community-based, on Country projects on Aboriginal Land around Tasmania and the Bass Strait Islands to promote healthy country and community development.

Andry is interested in working within the principles of community leadership and self-determination for Aboriginal communities to place Aboriginal knowledge and values at the forefont of land management. Increased Aboriginal decision-making in caring for Country and lands being returned to the Aboriginal community is seen as an important mechanism to empower Aboriginal Nations and heal Country.

Andry is also the Co- Chair of the Firesticks Alliance Aboriginal Corporation, a leading body for promoting revitalisation of Cultural Fire Practice in Australia.