Nikki Den Exter


Tools for Private Land Conservation

Nikki Den Exter, Kingborough Council

The role of Part 5 Agreements as a tool for private land conservation

'Part 5 Agreements' are legal binding agreements between a landowner (current and future) and Council. Established under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, Part 5 Agreements usually arise as a condition of planning permit and can relate to anything from fencing and stormwater to vegetation protection or rehabilitation. 

Where Part 5 Agreements are established to maintain and protect natural values in perpetuity, within a designated conservation zone and the agreement is registered on the title, they are similar in intent and status to a conservation covenant established under the Nature Conservation Act 2002. This makes Part 5 Agreements an important tool for achieving private land conservation outcomes through the development approval process.

Nikki’s presentation provides an overview of the role Part 5 Agreements can play and illustrates the conservation outcomes achieved through Part 5 Agreements in Kingborough, highlighting their contribution to the private reserve estate.