Resources for managing pest animals in Tasmania

There are pest animals in Tasmania which are negatively impacting biodiversity and natural values. The most-discussed pest animals in Tasmania are feral rabbits, feral cats, and feral deer, but there are others.

Here are some links to resources for helping to manage pest animals. The network of dedicated Landcare members and partner organisations hold the potential to help manage pest animals across the state.



Best practice information hub for pest animal management.

There are several resources available on many pest feral species, including rabbits, hares, cats, deer, mice, and some fish and bird species. Most resources are available online, but some guides have been published in print for purchase or download.

Feral cat information and resources

Health risks

Cats can host a parasite called Toxoplasma which can cause toxoplasmosis. The problems caused by toxoplasmosis can occasionally result in serious health problems for humans, can kill certain species of wildlife (like bandicoot, wombats and wallabies), and have serious implications in the agricultural industry, particularly for sheep.

We've developed a comprehensive summary of the most recent information and resources on how to responsibly take action on the issue of feral cats (Updated 2022)

Feral Cats: Impact to Action

Tassie Cat - Quick links & resources about cats in the Tasmanian environment. 

Cat Management Working Group

Landcare Tasmania has a Cat Management Working Group, involving people from Landcare Tasmania's Members Council & staff, cat management experts, and interested Landcare Tasmania member groups. If you are interested in contributing, please email [email protected]

National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordination Program
The new feral cat and fox management website (2024) provides landowners, community groups and the public with a central point to find valuable resources on best-practice methods for humane and effective feral cat and fox control across Australia.


Non-native ducks - information and resources

Did you know that introduced (non-native) ducks can outcompete native ducks? The Pacific Black Duck is at risk of extinction because of non-native mallards. Find out more through the Derwent Estuary Program and the Pacific Black Duck Conservation Group:


Rainbow Lorikeets - not native to Tasmania