Glebe Hill Bushland Reserve Landcare

Glebe Hill Landcare is a network of active locals who hold regular working bees, projects and tours, welcoming all ages, to ensure the Glebe Hill Bushland Reserve is sustainably managed; protecting and enhancing its natural, cultural & social values. We assist with undertaking and defining priority on-ground activities to achieve this aim, and encourage community involvement through raising awareness of the reserve's incredible range of species!

Membership Sponsor:
Clarence City Council
Regular Events:
Regular working bees, please contact us for dates, and supporting working bees for Howrah Primary
How to Join this Group:
All are welcome to join, if interested to attend one of our working bees or if you would like to find out more about our group - please email us at [email protected]

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Adam Holmstrom
Mobile phone: 0437 126 602
Email: [email protected]

Upcoming events