Landcare on farms in Tasmania

Landcare Tasmania is proud to work alongside farmers who are testing, practicing and developing sustainable farming practices that are good for the land, yield, waterways and wildlife.  Below is a list of helpful resources to help you on your journey. Not what you're looking for?  Let us know. 

Australian Farm Biodiversity Certification Scheme Trial

The Federal Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment has provided $4m in funding to the National Farmers’ Federation to develop and trial the Scheme. Funding has been made available through the $34m Agriculture Stewardship Package.

The package recognises that farmers, as stewards of the environment and as land managers are providing benefits to the wider community. Many small and medium sized farmers would like to do more, and the Australian Government is taking the lead to support further stewardship activities by farmers.

The project will run from December 2019 until mid 2022 and will be delivered in 3 Phases

Soil First Tasmania

Soil First Tasmania is a group of farmers who are concerned about the current state of agriculture in Tasmania. They aspire to influence the model by creating a community of farmers that value soil. They do this by creating a community of farmers who are wanting to improve their practice and giving them a platform to share ideas. They support the adoption of practice that upholds the clean green image that Tasmania aspires to.  They hold regular Farmer Fridays, farm visits and guest speaker events. 

Connect with them on Facebook


Good Reading Materials

Earthworms and Dungbeetles in Tasmanian Agriculture - Dr Graeme Stevenson  is passionate about soil, particularly Tasmania’s red basalt soil and speaks widely about the benefits of introducing dung beetles and earthworms into gardens and pasture. He has a range of excellent books and publications available on his research and work. 

Soils Alive – Understanding and Managing Soil Biology on Tasmanian Farms – By Declan McDonald & Denis Rodgers, DPIPWE  Includes soil ecosystems, soil management practices, build soil ecosystem health, tuning your soils, carbon farming

Native Vegetation on Farm Land – a report from ABARES (Aust Bureau of Ag & Resource Economics & Sciences). The report found (amongst other things) that 85% of farmers were gaining on-farm production and/or environmental benefits. Read it here.

Native Shelterbelt Design - for the North West of Tasmnia, by the North-West Environment Center

Innovations for Regenerative Landscape Management – a report released by Soils for Life, which outlines techniques and practices that can help reverse landscape degradation and enable productive, profitable and sustainable farming. The full report is available on the Soils for Life website.

Managing Tasmanian Native Pastures – A Technical Guide for Graziers. Published by DPIPWE (2006). Split into 5 sections for easier downloading: Part 1 Planning Guide, Part 2 Property Planning and Managing Native Pasture, Part 3 Managing Fertiliser on Native Pastures, Part 4 Managing Native Pastures for Conservation, Part 5 Managing Native Pastures during Drought.
Key pasture species in Tasmania, native pasture planning, management of grazing, fertiliser and weeds in native pasture, managing fire, native pastures for conservation, tree and shrub regeneration,riparian and wetland grasslands, during drought and change.

Ecologically Sustainable Grazing – the effect of grazing on biodiversity and how to minimise impacts on native vegetation.  From WetlandCare Australia.

Worm Boss website - Australia's sheep and goat worm control resource.

Dung Beetle Care in Tasmania (PDF) - By Andrew Doube who is spearheading a range of dung beetle programs in Tasmania.  This resource is an easy-to-read manual on how to keep a healthy population of dung beetles on your property. 

Carbon Farming Initiative

Carbon Farming Initiativean overview of CFI methodologies (from Clean Energy Future – Dept of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency)

An Overview of the Carbon Farming Initiative – for landowners interested in earning and selling carbon credits.  Published by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2012. Opportunities in carbon farming, markets for carbon credits, eligible activities, abatement activities

CFI Methodology: Environmental Plantings of Native Species – from the Dept of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, fact sheet, monitoring, reporting, eligibility, who could benefit

Considerations for Tree Growers Before Selling Carbon – questions to address before selling carbon from farm trees.  From the Victorian Dept. of  Primary Industries (March 2012), emerging markets, rights and responsibilities, carbon farming initiative

Soil Carbon Stories  –  Stories from six Tasmanian graziers experimenting with pasture management techniques. These stories were collected during the soil carbon project:  “Working with farmers to increase soil carbon storage in extensive grazing systems”.

See our Measuring Carbon & Biodiversity Reading Room for more tools, resources and methods.