A wonderful National Tree Day planting with 18 volunteers to assist with planting on the southern bank of Nierinna Creek.
Site preparation began at the end of June with commencement of digging holes and clearing of grass and weeds. Plants were provided by Kingborough Council, Fifteen Trees and Redbreast Plants. All stakes, guards, weedmats and mulch were provided by Kingborough Council.
180 plants were planted. Grasses and sedges were staked and placed in weed mats. All bushes, shrubs and trees had guards placed around them as well to protect them from browsing wildlife.
100 plants were planted in the preceding week on the banks of Margate Rivulet by Angela Brinkhoff and Morris Worsley.
Tony Conlon gave a talk on the wildlife on the reserve. He showed the group where a family of ringtail possums nested in a poplar tree crevice and the site of a platypus burrow currently in use.
During the working bee the weather was very pleasant for physical labour. Unfortunately light rain put a bit of a damper on the BBQ, but didn’t stop it from going ahead. Sponsors for the BBQ were Banjos in Margate, Fifteen Trees and Tramway Hill Landcare Group.
Total man-hours worked - this working bee – 40 hours.
Total man-hours worked on Margate Rivulet – 18 hrs.
Many thanks to everyone who turned up to assist, especially all those volunteers who live outside the Kingborough municipality.
The next scheduled working bee is Sunday 27th August. A reminder will be sent out closer to the date.
If you would like to assist with planting the remaining plants (approx.180) on Nierinna Creek Reserve and Davis Flat in the next week or so, please contact Roz.
Roz Thurn
Tramway Hill Landcare Group coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 0414710744