Seymour Wetland Restoration Project Field Day

1030 AM Meet at Seymour Swamp Car Park on Champ St Long Point Seymour Tas 15 miles north of Bicheno.

1100 Working Bee come equiped for cutting and pasting of gorse and other weeds.

1230 Lunch and guest speakers:

Peter Stronach - Landcare Tasmania celebrating 25th Anniversary.

Todd Duddley NE Bio Regional Network Restoration Consultant.

Sue Lovegrove and Adrienne Eberhard Artist and Poet authors of "The Voice of Water" a book of sensory perceptions of  transient wetlands.

1400 Continue with working bee

1500 Afternoon tea.

Click here to download the flyer


May 18, 2019 at 10:00am - 4pm
Seymour Swamp Wetland Restoration Project
Champ Street
Seymour, Tasmania 7215
Google map and directions
Quentin Smith · · 03 6375 1410

Will you come?