For Landcare Tasmania's 25th Anniversary we are travelling around the state to showcase our member's work to the public.
The Seymour Wetland Field Day hosted by Seymour Community Action Group (SCAGI) on the 18th of May 2019 was a great successs.
Forty-four people, young and older all came together to celebrate our community achievements and to continue our efforts to restore the Seymour Freshwater Wetland to its former glory.
The delicious BBQ lunch was enjoyed by all after a working bee collecting rubbish, cutting & pasting gorse.
Peter Stronach from Landcare Tasmania shared his knowledge and we celebrated their 25th anniversary.
Dr. Eric Woehler the convenor of BirdLife Tasmania, informed us on the Shorebird population, their astonishing journeys and the importance of safeguarding their habitat.
Todd Dudley encouraged us to keep up the good work and talked about the importance of ecological values.
Sue Lovegrove enchanted us with her artwork painted 'plein air' among our and other local freshwater wetlands.
The exquisite miniature paintings are complimented by Adrienne Eberhard's poetry also sourced and inspired by our local wetlands and captivatingly read by Melissa Manton.
Delicious cakes with coffee and tea rounded off the afternoon.