Our Strategic Plan is designed to be a high level vision up to 2027. It is intended to be used alongside Landcare Tasmania's operational plans, which are prepared annually for each financial year. The preparation of the Strategic Plan has been informed by feedback from our members. We thank Landcare Tasmania's staff, Board, and Members Council for their contributions in preparing this plan.
The 5 key strategic goals are:
1. Healthy Landscapes
- Ensure community Landcare in Tasmania has a positive impact on the environment, land management and sustainability challenges in Tasmania.
2. Empowered Communities
- Support and empower members to be well-resourced, confident, competent and committed participants in community Landcare initiatives.
3. Supportive Network
- Build and maintain a broad-based network of meaningful collaborations, partnerships, donors and supporters.
4. Collective Voice
- Build momentum, strength and growth for the community Landcare movement in Tasmania through broad publicity, inspiring outreach initiatives, and effective advocacy.
5. Strong Foundations
- Maintain high standards of governance and transparency, and ensure members understand their role and legal obligations.
- Achieve efficiency in systems that enable Landcare Tasmania to fulfil its core functions, reporting, and compliance obligations.
- Diversify and grow Landcare Tasmania's income base to support growing membership.
- Be widely recognised as a creative and values-based organisation with a healthy workplace culture.