3 Ryan St
Beechford, Tasmania 7252
Google map and directions
"Coastal Plant Identification Walk - Know your native plants"
In October wildflowers will be everywhere, as we take a walk through Heathland, Dunes and the important Saltmarsh areas of Beechford. Get to know the local plants and learn how native vegetation provides erosion control, wind protection, habitat for birds, insect pollinators, fish and more. Along the way we will find all sorts of animals and spot some bush-tucker too. Presenter: Anna Povey
Program for the day:
10.00 Meet at Beechford footbridge car park, Beechford (Starting point for the Beechford East Beach access)
10.05 Why we are here and George Town Coastal Action Plan. Community as part of the solution.
10.10 Cross footbridge (Dunal system) The importance of coastal areas
10.40 Cross footbridge back to carpark. Grab a drink and hear from the Beechford Residents Group
10:50 "Walk and Talk" (Saltmarsh, Riverine, Estuarine) Riparian zones and the Curries River Saltmarsh Cluster
11.15 "Walk and Talk" (Heathland)
12.00 Adopt a Site - Baker Street site. What are the weeds, what can you monitor for?
12.30 Free BBQ at the Car Park
Email: [email protected]