Friends of Bass Strait Islands - Removal of Boxthorn from Roydon Island
Friends of Bass Strait Islands (and Furneaux Landcare) will be holding a working bee from May 1st-12th to remove Boxthorn from Roydon Island. Another working bee will be held in June with dates to be announced.
Both this year’s working bees will focus on continuing the removal of African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) from Roydon Island. FoBSI volunteers have worked on Roydon since 2009, picking up from a start made there by Furneaux Landcarers in 2006. We’re hoping this year’s 2 working bees will come close to, if not actually completing, the primary control phase!!!
Email [email protected] or contact us via our friendsofthebassstraitislands Facebook page for further information &/or to indicate your interest in participating; note that places are limited, reasonable fitness is required, and not all who apply will be able to take part but all enquiries will be answered.