Wombat Rescue Tasmania Inc.

Our mission: to treat mange-affected wombats in the wild; to deliver grassroots education; and to collaborate with community groups, organisations & individuals to improve outcomes for wombats statewide throughout Tasmania.
Our vision: to see wombats living healthy lives free from the devastating impacts of sarcoptic mange.
Wombat Rescue Tasmania Inc. is a grassroots, self-funded community group treating hundreds of wild wombats affected by sarcoptic mange statewide throughout Tasmania. We are dedicated to treating and preventing wombat mange because if left untreated, the wombats suffer a protracted death through secondary infections. Wombat Rescue Tasmania volunteers operate under a permit system issued from Mange Management Inc. and DPIPWE guidelines.
Hundreds of burrow flaps have been made, installed and maintained by WRT, which is the only group undertaking such a comprehensive commitment to treating mange-affected wombats in Tasmania. Free treatment kits are provided to landowners to treat mange affected wombats on private land and farms.
Our goal is to treat identified cases, to monitor for outbreaks, and to encourage research into better treatments in order to prevent another population collapse as has happened at Narawntapu National Park and at nearby Kelso and Greens Beach in the West Tamar region. Wombat Rescue Tasmania Inc. has over 80 members, and is approved as a Tax Deductible Recipient.
All volunteers, including the people who receive treatment kits, undergo training as required by Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Mange Management Protocol. This includes the safe-handling of the chemical Cydectin as per the Australian Pesticides Veterinarian Medical Authority, http://permits.apvma.gov.au/PER82844.PDF.
Regular Events:
How to Join this Group:
Website: http://www.wombatrescuetas.org.au/
Primary Contact:
This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.
Name: Joy Cox
Mobile phone: 0419585001
Email: [email protected]