Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club

Sometimes known as the Tas Field-Nats, we are comprised of both amateurs and professionals who share a common interest in the natural world. Experts in a particular topic not only pass on their knowledge to others, but find themselves learning about related aspects of their particular interest. The only requirement of members is an active interest in the natural world. The club was formed in 1904, and we are associated with other Field Naturalist Clubs throughout Tasmania and beyond.

Our group aims to encourage the study of all aspects of natural history and to advocate the conservation of our natural heritage. 

More information on our group and upcoming events can be found at our website: https://www.tasfieldnats.org.au/

Regular Events:
Monthly meetings and excursions
How to Join this Group:
Anyone who is interested is welcome to join, they may do so via https://tasfieldnats.org.au/members/

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Lynne Maher
Mobile phone: no public contact phone
Email: [email protected]