Friends of Wellington Park

The Friends of Wellington Park aims to maintain and enhance the native flora and fauna of the major natural icon of Hobart, Wellington Park and to educate Park users of the high biodiversity values and ways to protect them. Endeavour to halt spread of weed species and eradicate where possible

Regular working bees are held on the first Tuesday of the month and other events are on an ad hoc basis.

Membership Sponsor:
City of Hobart Council
Regular Events:
Working Bees: first Tuesday of the month
How to Join this Group:
Anyone can join, either through the Wildcare Tasmania website ( if a member of Wildcare or through signing up for newsletters at

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Stephen Mattingley
Mobile phone: 0488 787 051
Email: [email protected]

Upcoming events

Friends of Wellington Park Working Bee
Sunday, March 02, 2025 at 09:15 AM
Various locations in Wellington Park, Australia
Join Friends of Wellington Park for our regular working bee activity. Our group is working all over kunanyi / Mt Wellington to protect the mountain's natural values by combining a bushwalk with a weeding expedition. Use the contact details below to confirm location and activity and come along! 
Event Details