Castle Forbes Bay Landcare Group

We're a quiet group trying to make an impact within Castle Forbes Bay. We're concerned mainly with foreshore and river restoration and revegetation. Our work has included clearing of willows and other weeds, walkway construction and giving assistance and advice to new landowners. Working bees are usually followed by a barbecue and general conflab. Please feel free to join us! We try to have one working bee per year with another Landcare group to assist with their work and extend friendships and knowledge within the L andcare movement.


Membership with Landcare Tasmania is supported by Huon Valley Council

Membership Sponsor:
Huon Valley Council
Regular Events:
Working bee 9am first and third Saturday of month
How to Join this Group:
All community members. Come to a working bee to sign up.

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Richard Clauson
Mobile phone: (03) 6297 1688
Email: [email protected]

Upcoming events