Hobart Arbor Co

Associate Member
Our Landcare Activities:
1. Nesting Box Installations with Landcare Groups
2. A Tree for A Tree. For every mature tree removed by Hobart Arbor Co. A tree will be sponsored and replanted in 2022 by Hobart Arbor CO staff, its customer and Landcare Tasmania Groups.
3. CHIPS 4 TREES. Hobart Arbor. Co delivers unused mulch for a donation, 100% of the donation will be used to sponsor a tree planting event in 2022 as per above.
4. National Tree Day – Active participant of working bees to plant trees with local Landcare group
Website: https://www.hobartarborco.com.au/
Primary Contact:
This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.
Name: Christina Medhurst
Mobile phone: 0400 916 728
Email: [email protected]