Friends of Remnant Heathlands of Wynyard (FORHOW)

FORHOW is to be formed to continue to maintain and protect remnant heathland in Wynyard.

It is made up of community members concerned with conservation of specific patches of remnant heathland and adjoining plant communities. 

The new praympi heathland reserve in Wynyard is as a direct result of our actions in translocating a patch of remnant heathland zoned industrial. This new reserve will need regular weeding working bees, and a major project involving making and installing a boardwalk and permanent watering system. 

Regular weeding of invasive species is carried out by volunteers.

Regular Events:
Working bees as advised, botanical walks
How to Join this Group:
Contact Rees on [email protected]

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Rees Campbell
Mobile phone: 0409006170
Email: [email protected]