The relationship between fire and the Australian environment is complex. Many of our native plants and animals need fire in order to survive and flourish. Other plants have a very low tolerance to fire and are severely impacted when burned. Fire can create a mosaic of different aged vegetation communities that in turn suit different animal species. However, fires that occur too often (before fertile seeds are produced) or too infrequently (allowing plants to age and die out) can lead to the loss of native plant and animal species.
Wildfires can be particularly intense when fuel hazard levels are high. Recent catastrophic wildfires have placed a spotlight on fire management and increased pressure on public and private land managers to manage fuel hazards.
Many ecosystems benefit from fire, and the lack of planned burning over several decades means that some natural areas are lacking the mosaic of mature and regenerating vegetation that makes for healthy ecosystems and landscapes.
Some landholders in Tasmania undertake planned burning, though many lack the skills and knowledge, and others are deterred by liability concerns and lack of resources.
Below are links to fact sheets, manuals and the Tasmanian Fire Service website
Planned burning in Tasmanian TFS
Farming Communities & TFS (brochure)
Fire-resistant garden plants (TFS brochure)