Keynote Speaker
24 Carrot Gardens and Eat the Problem
Kirsha Kaechele is an American artist and curator, interested in the space where complex problems exist. For Kaechele, problems are simply a medium for art.
Kaechele’s projects are based at Mona (The Museum of Old and New Art), in Tasmania, and New Orleans. In addition to art curation they include: Feasts as living art installations—temporal exhibitions in which every element of a feast is sculpture or performance; 24 Carrot—a project that creates kitchen gardens in disadvantaged areas of Tasmania and New Orleans; Heavy Metal—an art-science project focused on the mercury contamination of Tasmania’s River Derwent; Trascism—Mona’s zero-waste initiative, now implemented across Mona’s festivals and events; Material Institute—a free school in New Orleans pairing neighbourhood talent with high art, music, fashion, science and technology—a kind of Black Mountain College for urban youth.
Photo: Kirsha Kaechele and her book Eat The Problem (credit: Jesse Hunniford / Mona)
Profile Photo by Rémi Chauvin