Kirsha Kaechele

Keynote Speaker

24 Carrot Gardens and Eat the Problem

Kirsha Kaechele is an American artist and curator, interested in the space where complex problems exist. For Kaechele, problems are simply a medium for art. 

Kaechele’s projects are based at Mona (The Museum of Old and New Art), in Tasmania, and New Orleans. In addition to art curation they include: Feasts as living art installations—temporal exhibitions in which every element of a feast is sculpture or performance; 24 Carrot—a project that creates kitchen gardens in disadvantaged areas of Tasmania and New Orleans; Heavy Metal—an art-science project focused on the mercury contamination of Tasmania’s River Derwent; Trascism—Mona’s zero-waste initiative, now implemented across Mona’s festivals and events; Material Institute—a free school in New Orleans pairing neighbourhood talent with high art, music, fashion, science and technology—a kind of Black Mountain College for urban youth.


Photo: Kirsha Kaechele and her book Eat The Problem (credit: Jesse Hunniford / Mona)
Profile Photo by Rémi Chauvin