Landcare Group Succession Planning (Lunchtime Webinar)

Following on from the online Volunteer Recruitment course out now, join Landcare Tasmania and The Forever Agenda for one of two succession planning workshops aiming to create and maintain healthy Landcare groups.

Image: Rowiina Howard

Is your group struggling to fill leadership or committee roles? Even if you have a great committee now, do you have a plan in place to handover leadership roles in future? Having a plan can prevent burnout and make it easier to hand over leadership. A pro-active plan can help ensure that the collective knowledge of an entire Landcare group doesn't fade away unnecessarily. We're hosting 2 webinars with professional facilitator Kim Boswell, who has many years experience with the unique challenges that Landcare volunteer groups face.

The webinars will provide you with practical steps to take and tools to use to carry out a plan. The Q&A session afterwards will take questions about both Succession Planning and Volunteer Recruitment, for those of you currently accessing the online Volunteer Recruitment course. 

What to expect: Kim Boswell, founder of The Forever Agenda, will cover how to prepare for change, provide you with tools to support the long-term success of your Landcare group and  go through a step-by-step processes for handing over responsibility. 

How long: 1.5 hrs (including an extended Q&A session for recipients of the Volunteer Recruitment Take-Home Package)

Who: Landcare Tasmania Members only. 

Price: Free of charge! Registration is mandatory.

Information gathered from members over the last 2 years revealed that volunteer recruitment, succession planning, and practical training courses are what Landcare groups need the most support with, and this Succession planning webinar is part of our response to that need.


Hosted by Landcare Tasmania & The Forever Agenda, funded by the Tasmanian Landcare Fund thanks to donations from the Elsie Cameron Foundation. This workshop contributes to Landcare Tasmania's Member Support Program. 


July 28, 2023 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
Lily Fraser · · (03) 6234 7117

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