Landcare Tas 2022 AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Landcare Tasmania Inc. will be held on Friday 25th November at 4:00 pm in Hobart at RACV Hobart Hotel, and online via Zoom. All people wishing to attend the event, either in person or online, will need to register. In person RSVPs close Tuesday 22 November. Online RSVPs close Thursday 24 November.

Meeting location: The Stables Room, RACV Hobart Hotel, 154-156 Collins St, Hobart, OR via Zoom (link to be provided)

Meeting Time: Doors open at 3.30pm, AGM commences at 4pm sharp.

Tea and coffee provided on arrival.

The AGM is an important opportunity for members to become informed of key activities for the last financial year, ask questions, and to have their say in approving reports and electing the people who will have carriage of the organisation over the coming year.

The meeting will be held face to face in Hobart, and members can also register to attend online.

Under Landcare Tasmania's Constitution, only Member Groups have voting rights at the AGM. One representative of each Member Group may vote at the AGM. This may be the group's primary contact or another nominated group representative. Individual members, Associate members, and members of groups can also attend the meeting but will not have voting rights.




Appendix 1 - 2021 AGM Minutes

Appendix 2 - 2021-22 Annual Report

Appendix 3 - 2021-22 Financial Statements

Landcare Tasmania 2022-2027 Strategic Plan


2022 AGM Minutes (draft until approved)


Keynote Speaker

We are pleased to welcome Dr Ian Cresswell, co-chair of the national State of the Environment report, to speak at this year's AGM. 

Purpose of the meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to transact the business of the Annual General Meeting as specified in the Constitution. Motions of Special Business to be included in the agenda must be submitted to the Board at least 21 days before the AGM. No other business can be conducted.

Some of the business of the AGM has specified deadlines, which members are hereby given notice of:

Nominations to the Members Council

Landcare Tasmania has a Members Council of 15, to ensure the views and interests of our members are reflected in our operations. Members Councillors serve 2 year terms. Existing Councillors can nominate for re-election, and any member can also nominate for election. Nominations are current open. Please read the information pack and complete an nomination form to apply. The deadline to receive Members Council nominations is 5pm on Thursday November 17th.

Motions of Special Business

The deadline to receive motions of Special Business has passed.

Business to be conducted

The business to be conducted at the AGM will include:

  • presentation of Annual Report;
  • presentation of audited financial statements;
  • questions to directors;
  • election/ratification of Board members;
  • election/ratification of Members Councillors; and
  • appointment of auditor.

We hope to see you there.


Peter Stronach
CEO and Public Officer