Mole Creek Primary: Enthusiasm for the Environment


14 Sept 2022 | Over the past fortnight two of Landcare Tasmania's Project Officers have run workshops with the grade 2/3's from Mole Creek Primary school, exploring their local patch.

These two workshops were a part of Landcare's School Citizen Science Program, a program aiming to foster the connection between students and their local environment through enquiry.

Students investigated habitat quality for certain native animals by looking for food, shelter and friends. Together, we set up a wildlife monitoring camera, delved into drawing animal tracks, and finished off with looking at water quality (which means looking at waterbugs!). After having the wildlife camera up for a week, Landcare Tasmania and the students looked at the footage. The students were very excited to see that they have a group of special residents on their farm - the Eastern Barred Bandicoot! Judging by the enthusiasm and questions asked, the students had a great time and have enriched their knowledge of their local environment.


This program is support by funding through the Tasmanian Landcare Fund and donations from the JM Roberts Charitable Trust .


Landcare Tasmania's Education Program now includes 30 member schools ranging from Early Learning to High School.  Would your educational institution benefit from a Landcare program? Your school can become a member here.


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