Supporting better water health in the Northern Slopes Region.
What is the Northern Slopes Landscape Project?
This project aims to improve the water health in the Northern Slopes Region, which extends approximately from Wynyard to Port Sorell. This will mainly be achieved through planting native vegetation, which benefits water filtration, improves water flow, stabilises river banks, and supports river fauna.
Activities and workshops will take place in Blythe, Inglis, Leven, and Mersey. 2850 native trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants will be planted by private landowners, community groups, and volunteers as part of these activities. Additionally, 1.5 ha of farm land along a creek will be freed from invasive blackberry, which will enable more restoration work.
North West Ecological Restoration Workshop with Todd Dudley © Phil Dickinson
Events include workshops in carbon farming, environmental markets, revegetation techniques, ecological restoration, feral cat management, and school engagement.
A number of threated species will benefit from this restoration, including the Tasmanian Devil, Little Penguin, and Barred Bandicoot.
Water is a defining part of Tasmanian’s Northern Slopes. The creeks and rivers provide the water necessary for agriculture, drinking water for the population, and are enjoyed by many for recreational activities such as fishing and canoeing. Restoring, repairing, and maintaining this area is important as both animals and people rely on the resources this area provides.
This project is part of our Landscape Restoration Program, which aims to bring together several members working on common issues, to gain a greater long-term benefit at a landscape scale. Funded by the Tasmanian State Government's Landcare Action Grants.