Report: Successful Completion of Landcare Action Grants Projects

25 March, 2021 Landcare Tasmania has supported several projects in the Landcare Action Grants Program Round 1.  Read on to find out what has been happening and how these projects are giving huge benefits to our land. 

The Landcare Action Grants Program 

Landcare Tasmania has partnered with the Tasmanian Government through the Landcare Action Grants (LAG) Program, with additional funds from donations to the Tasmanian Landcare Fund and trees sponsored by Fifteen Trees.

Image: Project locations across the state  

LAG Round 1 consisted of 11 projects across the state, supporting three key program objectives: 

  • Improved landscape and riverine health, stability and resilience
  • Support enhanced land management practices to reduce erosion and sedimentation 
  • Assist the community to holistically manage natural and productive land and waterways across the landscape 

The main outcomes of the projects have included: 

  • Erosion management
  • Fencing off revegetation/sensitive sites
  • Installation of off-stream watering points
  • Revegetation
  • Weed control
  • Waste reduction
  • Groundcover improved
  • Habitat protected 
  • Fire management 

How have the projects benefited our land? 

The Derwent Catchment Project has prevented further erosions of a highly erodible slope and prevented stock access to over a kilometre of river frontage. 

Image: Nichols' project site before planting  

Andrew Nichols has revegetated a degraded area with native plants.  This will allow birds and other animals to move back in, reduce erosion and increase riverine health. 

East Tamar Landcare have undertaken removal of willows from Pipers River, and have held discussions with landowners encouraging willow regrowth monitoring and fencing of livestock. 

Julian Von Bibra has implemented a weed management plan which reduces the competitive advantage of gorse and allows for the restoration of high conservation value native grasslands and grassy woodlands. 

Image: Lower Meander Landcare Group 

Lower Meander Landcare Group project has delivered necessary follow-up work consisting of willow control and tree planting along river edge and upper river banks previously fenced for livestock exclusion and revegetation. 

North East Bioregional Network weeded gullies which are important parts of the Grants Lagoon catchment.  The work involved has enhanced the natural values and resilience of this part of the catchment. The community working bees provided an opportunity to demonstrate best practice weed management/bush regeneration techniques and familiarise local community members with key environmental weeds in the Binalong Bay area. 

Pearce Property Landcare conducted fencing which ensured the protection of riparian vegetation along the stream, limiting livestock access to the river, reducing erosion and sedimentation and protecting the vegetation.  The area is linked to an existing intact remnant forest community and restored riparian area. 

Image: Aerial view of Seymour Community Action Group's project site, taken by Bob Oats 

Seymour Community Action Group undertook weed control and plantings which improved riverine health, stability and resilience.  This project kept taps on weed regrowth and planted trees from local seeds to create an ever-increasing buffer to the freshwater wetland.  They enhanced land management practices to reduce erosions and sedimentation.   

Roberts & Wheat have removed invasive weeds and revegetated approximately 1 ha of riparian area.  Areas adjacent to the planting have also been treated for weeds by slashing and spraying.  The revegetation area is within the swift parrot core breeding range and is adjacent to mature swift parrot feeding and breeding habitat already present on the property - this planting is designed to increase the endurance of swift parrot habitat over time.

West Pine Ag have stopped cattle from accessing Penguin Creek.  This will improve riverine health and reduce erosion and sedimentation.  It will also allow natural regeneration of the riparian zone.  

More to come 

More LAG projects are currently underway. We are excited to celebrate the efforts and share the successes of these projects happening all over the state.  The combination of smaller, local projects creates a wave of positive change for our environment.