Smooth Island Working Bees
Are you wild about weeds? Join us for a weekend working bee on Smooth Island off the Tasman Peninsula.
Image: Boxthorn with a view on Smooth Island.
During July-September 2023, Landcare Tasmania will be holding three full-weekend working bees to tackle boxthorn on a private island off the Tasman Peninsula. This is an exciting, one-off, opportunity to get out in nature and help regenerate an entire island!
What to expect: Our major focus will be controlling boxthorn through “cut and paste”. We will be camping, so you will need to come prepared with a tent, a warm sleeping bag and wet weather gear. At the end of the day we will regroup for a delicious home-cooked meal, with plenty of time to relax and socialise.
When: The working bees will run from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon:
- Friday 7th July – Sunday 9th July
- Friday 11th – Sunday 13th August
- Friday 8th – Sunday 10th September (Rescheduled 22nd - 24th September)
(Please note it is possible that there may be delays or changes to dates due to weather. You can choose to come to one or all three working bees)
Who: Volunteers will need to have a reasonable level of fitness and agility as the work can be strenuous.
Cost: The working bees are free of charge. Landcare Tasmania will cover the cost of boat transport, lunch and dinner.
Download the Smooth Island Working Bee Information Booklet for more details:
If you would like to come along, please complete the Volunteer Application Form at the end of the information booklet and return to [email protected] (subject: ATTN Lily – Volunteer Smooth Island).
This event is part of Landcare Tasmania's Landscape Restoration program funded by the State Government's Landcare Action Grants Additional Projects Round.