Ahead of the federal election, community Landcarers nationwide are calling for targeted investment in Landcare.
"There has never been a more important time or greater opportunity to support local communities to contribute to community-based natural resource management and community resilience."
-Jim Adams, CEO, National Landcare Network
The National Landcare Network, representing community Landcare across the country, announced a $48m Australian Community Landcare Futures Framework ahead of the Federal Election.
The framework asks the government to increase investment to upscale the existing network of Landcarers nationwide who are ready and capable of undertaking a vast array of natural resource management projects across the country. Community Landcarers deliver cost-effective solutions when and where it is most needed.
If we are to effectively prepare and respond to climate impacts and natural disasters, government needs to invest in the 6,000 local groups and 160,000 volunteers that are improving environmental and social outcomes in their communities Australia wide.
Read about the Futures Framework here.
Talking points:
- There has never been a more important or better opportunity to support community to contribute to action on climate change, and to build and support community resilience and well-being in the face of climate impacts.
- The Framework will improve community surge capacity to better mobilise our networks when and where it is needed most – to build and maintain community resilience in the face of climate change and disaster.
- The Framework better utilises the existing Landcare infrastructure of the National Landcare Network including the State and Territory Landcare Organisations, and supports them to deliver 67% of the proposed program to on-ground outcomes through small grants specially designed to meet community needs.
- The Framework positions Landcare to support community and Landcare groups to participate in and contribute to emerging priority programs in environmental markets in carbon and biodiversity.
What you can do:
- Get in touch with your local MP to let them know you support investment in Landcare.
- Share with your local community, and on social media