General RoundAmount granted: $50,000 Recipients: 13Shelterbelts, erosion control, weed control,...
General RoundAmount granted: $30,000 Recipients: 10Shelterbelts, erosion control, weed control,...
Water, Soil, Plants, Animals Amount granted: $63, 000 Recipients: 14 Restoration, revegetation, weed removal, bushland protection.
Water, Soil, Plants, Animals Amount granted: $49,360 Recipients: 19Supporting practical Landcare projects, weed control, tree belts, endangered...
Water, Soil, Plants, AnimalsAmount Granted: $75, 244 Recipients: 5 Maintaining and building better soils, dung beetles, cover...
Weed ManagementAmount granted: $28,880Recipients: 7Weed removal and riparian rehabilitation at Sedgy Creek, Franklin, King Island,...
Educational ProjectsAmount granted: $80,477Recipients: 14 school farms, natural springsrehabilitation, thistle control,Mt. Roland and Cradle Mountain
Water, Soil, Plants, AnimalsAmount Granted: $50,473Recipients: 10improving water quality, re-vegetation, river recovery,island follow up control
Water, Soil, Plants, AnimalsAmount granted $50,675Recipients: 9Fencing, removal of gorse,willow, blackberry, improved marsupial habitat.
2013 Bushfire RecoveryAmount granted $17,441 Recipients: 1Start up funding for Weed Aid, in response to bushfires.