Warrane Community Garden Monthly Sunday Working Bee

Join us for a couple of hours at our regular working bee (the third Sunday of each month in 2023)!

Come and meet other keen as beans volunteers contributing to the wellbeing of the garden and its visitors.

At our Sunday working bees, there will be a different focus most months.
And there are always "ongoing" jobs too.

A couple of things that we always ask you to bring are your own reusable cup (tea/coffee/water are provided on day), your garden gloves & favourite weeding tool -if you have one.

Sometimes there is morning tea to share but in these Covid times there is no expectation or obligation that there will be.

Please wear enclosed shoes for safety and we recommend long sleeves, pants and hat for further sun & critter protection.
Or waterproof clothing if poor weather is forecast. We do have surprisingly good luck with weather even when it is forecast otherwise.

Look forward to seeing you there!

All attendees are required to sign in on arrival. We ask that you do not attend if you are feeling unwell.

The Warrane Garden is a Community Project of Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre. You can find the Garden at 18 Heemskirk Street, Warrane.

If you would like to find out more; have resources or ideas for the garden, or would like to help out then we would love to hear from you.

You can call us: 62446346, contact us on Facebook or email us: [email protected]

May 21, 2023 at 9:00am - 12pm
Warrane Community Garden
18 Heemskirk St
Warrane, TAS 7018
Google map and directions
Warrane Community Garden · · 0499078490

Will you come?