Kerry Bridle


Ecologist: conservation management in agricultural landscapes

Speaking on landscape restoration to improve biodiversity values and agricultural production in the Upper Macquarie Catchment 

Tasmanian Government policy to support growth in agricultural production through irrigation developments has resulted in economic and social sustainability of farm enterprises. Environmental outcomes of irrigation developments may be positive or negative. Many landholders will argue that improved economic outcomes allows farmers to address environmental concerns on farm at larger scales than previously.

In our experience, the desire and ability to be involved in broadscale environmental programs is facilitated and enhanced through interactions with natural resource managers, researchers and the broader community. These collaborative projects deliver positive environmental and social outcomes both on farm and at the catchment scale.

In this talk, we will take you on a virtual tour of Beaufront at Ross, as an illustration of how by working together we can protect existing biodiversity values, enhance conservation values and agricultural production with strategic restoration plantings and support, and be supported by, social and cultural activities in the region.

Kerry-Bridle and team at Jason Whitehead's