Employee Engagement and Volunteering

Experience restoration in action

At Landcare Tasmania, we offer practical employee engagement opportunities that strengthen community and environmental resilience statewide, facilitating impactful initiatives on a small or larger scale. Our projects provide your staff with the chance to make a tangible difference while fostering a sense of purpose, enhancing organisational culture, and promoting personal and professional growth. We provide staff engagement opportunities aligned with the social and environmental responsibility goals of your organisation. Employee engagement and Corporate Volunteering events can be tailored to your budget and staff numbers. Contact us for a quote: 

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Image: KPMG Hobart Corporate Environmental Volunteering Day with Landcare Tasmania


Image: KPMG Hobart Corporate Environmental Volunteering Day with Landcare Tasmania

Why choose to work with us?

  • Long-term and meaningful environmental and social impacts
  • Measurable and evidenced on-ground and in-community outcomes
  • Enhanced brand awareness, value, and competitiveness
  • Powerful staff engagement opportunities that strengthen teams, deepen employee understanding of your company's social impact strategy and boost staff pride in your business
  • Creation of positive and compelling stories of change within your communities of interest

Explore employee engagement and corporate volunteering

Image: Cox-Manheim Corporate Volunteers at the Pages Creek Restoration Site

Contact us today to explore how we can assist you in achieving your organisation's employee engagement and corporate volunteering objectives.

Book a Corporate Environmental Volunteering event to support your employees to dedicate their time and skills to hands-on restoration activities or run a workplace fundraising event, promoting team building and employee satisfaction.

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Projects to get involved with:

ZooDoo Zoo Pages Creek Catchment Restoration Project

In Winter 2024, Landcare Tasmania continued restoring 1 ha with approximately 1,400 plants as part of Stage 2 of the ZooDoo Zoo Pages Creek Catchment Restoration Project.

The conservation outcomes of this landscape scale project are to increase landscape connectivity and improve the habitat for the threatened Green and Gold Frog (Litoria raniformis).

Find out more information here: Pages Creek Catchment Restoration Project  and get in contact with us if you would like to book your team in to help us with this project in winter 2025.

Watch this short video about the project so far:


Supporting partners of the ZooDoo Zoo Pages Creek Catchment Restoration Project



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