Reuben Parker-Greer



24 Carrot Gardens - MONA

Healthy Students - Healthy Landscapes, the 24 Carrot Journey.

24 Carrot Gardens sows the seeds of lifelong learning by actively engaging students and communities in practical action. Immersion in the cycles of nature through diverse and productive food gardens is central to the 24 Carrot experience, fresh seasonal produce harvested from our food gardens informs weekly cooking lessons and wholesome shared meals. Linked to this is a wide diversity of educational experiences that further engage and enrich the educational outcomes, including - Revegetation, bush foods, aboriginal education, sustainability, zero waste, composting and more.

Join us as we meander down the garden pathway to explore the ins and outs of the 24 Carrot Garden program. We’ll explore the take-aways for other schools and communities and the relevance of hands-on holistic environmental education in achieving meaningful outcomes for the UN decade on ecosystem restoration.

Reuben is a passionate green thumb with over 12 years experience in education, agro-ecology, conservation and land management, and community engagement. He’s had the pleasure of working with 24 Carrot Gardens for the past 8 years as a Project Manager with responsibilities spanning across horticulture, permaculture, education and community development. Reuben has a passion for creating projects, programs and initiatives that help foster human and environmental health and wellbeing.
