TLF Grant Round 21 - Extended for 63 AREA Code until Monday 5th Feb, 2018

Maintaining and Building Better Soils

This grant round has been extended for the 63 AREA CODE only. 

Individual and Group members of Landcare Tasmania are eligible to apply for projects with a maximum of $15,000 available  per project. Details of the Round can be read in the guidelines. 

The focus of the project MUST involve activities that maintain and improve soil structure and health and address soil erosion in agricultural landscapes.

To apply you will need to:

1. Familiarise yourself with the guidelines and meet all requirements

2. Submit an application

3. Provide supporting documents/maps/photos 

Contact Landcare Tasmania on (03) 6234 7117 is you have any further enquiries about the grant.

CLOSING DATE EXTENDED TO 5th February, 2018, 5pm

Download the Guidelines 

TLF-Rnd21 Guidelines


Using a Word document (.docx) and sending via email or post

Microsoft Word doc application

If you have technical difficulties applying please call our office (03) 6234 7117 and ask to speak to Peter or, send an email to Peter at [email protected].

If you need to become a member click here