25th Anniversary TLF Round
Expressions of interest open now.
For our 25th Anniversary we are introducing a new way of funding grants through the Tasmanian Landcare Fund. It's designed to be simpler for members and for projects to be highly visible to people, businesses and organisations who might wish to support projects with funds, materials or in other ways.
Here's how it works.
- Members can submit a proposal through a simple Expression of Interest form. Project proposals are being accepted now.
- We'll assess proposals for eligibility and technical feasibility, and work with proponents of suitable projects to develop a more detailed project plan.
- Once accepted, projects will remain in the system. Proponents won't have to reapply in future years if not funded this year - just provide any updates and revision of costing as needed.
- Project summaries will be publicly available through a new platform being developed for our website. Stay tuned for that one.
- We'll match available funds and other offers of support (e.g. this year we already have 2,000+ trees on offer) to suitable projects.
Key dates for 2019
- 31 March - New Membership deadline. You can submit an Expression of Interest at any time, but you must be a Landcare Tasmania member by this date to be eligible for funding in 2019.
- 19 May - Closing date for Expressions of Interest for 2019 25th anniversary projects.
- End of September – Funded and supported projects announced.
Click here to submit your project proposal.
You MUST already be a member of Landcare Tasmania to apply. Become a member to be elibigle.
Click below to see other past rounds.
Click here for a map of all our FUNDED PROJECTS.
Tasmanian Landcare Fund grants have been made possible by the generosity of the late John Roberts through contributions from the JM Roberts Charitable Trust. Round 21 marked a significant milestone in the history of the TLF, passing $500,000 in funds distributed directly to address on ground Landcare needs - a significant legacy of the foresight and commitment of the late John Roberts.