Communities Environment Program

Connecting communities and environment. Through the Australian Government's Communities Environment Program, Landcare Tasmania has delivered a range of important projects that connect community and environment for a better future. This program saw a range of successful projects across the state.

The program's aim was to build and strengthen communities, and encourage community connection with the local natural environment.

Image: CEP Project event: Nest Box Instalment at Seven Mile Beach with Hobart Arbor Co. 


The Communities Environment Program (CEP) has supported community groups to address local environmental priorities.

Landcare Tasmania secured $112,000 in CEP grant funding. Projects we delivered under the CEP Program involved weed control, native plant regeneration, habitat restoration, raptor protection, and community training.  We also secured funds for our members Plasticwise Taroona who ran a litter control and education program.


Projects in LYONS

Weed Eradication and Native Plant Regeneration 

January 2020- June 2021. Grant amount- $7,500

With Friends of Falmouth Foreshore. This project involved the removal of invasive weeds, and the planting of native trees across 5 hectares. This had the aim of improving the ability of native plant species to re-establish themselves naturally within the Falmouth area.

Projects in FRANKLIN

Threatened Species Monitoring

October 2019- June 2021. Grant amount- $9,000.

With Threatened Plants Tasmania (TPT): This project supported community participation in threatened plant species monitoring in the Franklin electorate of Tasmania. Volunteers from Threatened Plants Tasmania surveyed populations of a threatened eucalypt species, Eucalyptus morrisbyi (Morisby's gum), and two threatened orchids, Caladenia saggicola and Prasophyllum mildfordense. Volunteers from the TPT committee worked with land managers to use the data collected during these monitoring trips to develop reports to improve our understanding and management of these species. Volunteers also undertook weed control activities across 4ha of Calverts Hill Nature Reserve to control serrated tussock and briar rose infestations that threaten the endangered Eucalyptus morrisbyi.

Volunteer participation was further supported through a workshop where participants learned to identify Tasmanian eucalypts in Franklin. To complement the field trips, during the TPT Annual General Meeting, TPT held a session of presentations by technical experts on the progress of a number of threatened flora recovery programs that TPT volunteers have supported. The TPT committee also held a strategic planning workshop, and conducted a survey, which led to a transition to a membership model that will allow the group to continue to operate into the future. New web materials were successfully developed to promote these field trips, improve access to volunteer opportunities, and make it easier for the volunteer TPT committed to administer the group. Please find our Strategic Plan, most recent newsletter, presentation on membership model transition and report on member survey results at:

This project increased local environmental awareness, and sets up Threatened Plants Tasmania to continue enabling volunteers to participate in threatened plant monitoring and conservation in Franklin and across Tasmania for many years to come.

Habitat Restoration and Reducing the Impact of Rodenticides 

February 2020- June 2021. Grant amount-$20,000.

This project helped to restore local habitat through the installation of nesting boxes, planting native flora, and increasing awareness about the dangers of rodenticides.

Rodenticide Information Sessions

On 20th and 21st May we held information and Q&A evening sessions that helped to inform the community about the impacts of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides on raptors and other wildlife, and what steps they can take to minimise harm in their environment. Read more about the sessions here.  On-ground actions included native plantings aimed at increasing bandicoot habitat (prey for raptors) at Howrah Primary School and Berwick Close at Acton Park.

Image: Franklin Rodenticides Information Session

Environment Community Action Plan 

6th May 2020- 30th June 2021. Grant amount: $20,000.

The project involved seed collection, propagation, weed control and habitat support activities through a series of group training sessions for volunteer care groups. This encouraged native bush regeneration, supported habitat for native species and provided volunteers with skills to care for the environment within the local community.

Seed collection and propagation workshops with Ruth Mollison

On the 17th and 18th of April 2021 we ran two seed collection and propagation workshops with expert Ruth Mollison. Participants of the workshop learnt how to grow plants from seeds, as well as how to collect, clean and store their own seeds that can be used in backyards and revegetation projects. Read more about the sessions here.  

Image: Franklin seed collection and propagation workshop 

Volunteer Weed Training 

On Saturday 24th April, a group of new Landcarers joined us to gain skills in weed identification and eradication out our Volunteer Weed Training day.  Those who came along to the training were introduced to some valuable weed identification and eradication techniques. Read more about the day here.  

Image: Volunteer Weed Identification Training 

Nesting Boxes Construction and Installation 

30th May, 6th June 2021

On the 30th May 2021 we got together with Seven Mile Beach Coastcare to construct and renovate nesting boxes to provide vital habitat for eastern Rosellas and microbats. On the 6th of June, we got together with Hobart Arbor Co to install microbat nesting boxes in the Seven Mile Beach area.  In the absence of abundant habitat spaces, nesting boxes mimic tree hollows and thereby increase the potential habitat in a landscape, supporting overall ecosystem health in the area. You can read about our construction and installation events here

Image: Nest box construction with Seven Mile Beach Coastcare 

Bandicoot Bunker Planting 

1st June, 2021.

Rose Bay High students helped get 75 shrubs, grasses, and trees in the ground creating valuable habitat for bandicoots. The planting aims to support local ecosystems and increase bandicoot numbers. Read more about the planting day here.  

Image: Planting site for bandicoot habitat 

Citizen Science Workshops 

19th-20th June 2021

The first workshop covered identifying signs of animals, an introduction to Tasmanian plants, and using remote monitoring cameras, with a focus on river health.

The second had a focus on saltmarshes. Read more about the workshops here and here.

Projects in CLARK 

Tracking Trash with Plastic Wise Taroona 

10th December 2019- 30th June 2021. Grant amount: $7,500.

With Plasticise Taroona: During citizen science activities, students audited litter, undertook educational workshops, and make beeswax food wraps with the aims of enhancing environmental education, diverting waste from landfill, and supporting waste reduction.

Sustainable Schools: Revegetation, Restoration, and Weed Removal Project

3rd February 2020-30th June 2021. Grant amount: $15,000.

With the 24 Carrot Garden Program: This project, in collaboration with six schools, helped to manage weeds, revegetate with native species, monitor wildlife activities, and hosted education workshops. The aim of this was to reduce threats to native habitat, increase environmental awareness, and protect biodiversity.

Local Raptor Protection and Habitat Creation

6th February 2020-June 30th 2021. Grant amount: $17,000.

The project included installing nesting boxes, revegetating in priority areas, and educating community members on how best to protect local fauna populations by reducing their use of rodenticides. The aim was to create habitat for native raptors and protect wildlife within the area.

Collinsvale Revegetation and Habitat Planting Program

Project Date: 20th December 2019-30th June 2021. Grant amount: $7,000.

With Friends of Collinsville: The project will eradicate weeds and revegetate with local indigenous plants in key areas, and capture water bug and bird species data, for inclusion in the natural values atlas (NVA). This will protect and enhance remnant flora and assist with monitoring and improving wildlife habitat within the Collinsvale region. 

Projects in BASS

Weed Eradication in Stanley Green Memorial Park

Project Dates: 28th February 2020, to 30th June, 2021. Grant amount: $9,000.

With the North Esk at St Leonards Landcare Group: The project aimed to remove invasive weeds, monitor dieback, and treat regrowth. This assisted with protecting vegetation from contamination within the parklands.