The Dirty Hands - November 2022

Ecosystem Restoration | Kids and Rubbish | Catchment Clean Ups | Action Grants Wrap Up |  + more 

Ecosystem Restoration Workshop Success

On 29th October we held a free community workshop on ecological restoration.  This is a topic that the community are very eager to learn more about. We had a huge response and reached capacity at 50 attendees.

Presenting at this workshop was award-winning restoration expert Todd Dudley, Landcare Tasmania’s CEO Peter Stronach, and Wendy Horniblow from the local Landcare group, who shared her experience with Turner’s Beach Coastcare.

The workshop included a visit to a nearby private property where attendees were introduced to examples of different vegetation types, including native forest, riparian zones, pasture and plantation, all of which have different ecological needs.

This workshop provided practical knowledge and skills for community members to undertake their own restoration projects, and the response shows that there is a real hunger for this type of training. We are excited to start planning the workshop program for 2023. 

This workshop is part of our Outreach Program which aims to increase capacity for Landcarers so that all our land and coasts can be cared for by the community, and our Landscape Restoration Program, which aims to bring together several members working on common issues, to gain a greater long-term benefit at a landscape scale.   Funded by: State Government Landcare Action Grants 



Treasure not trash: kids get hands on with the circular economy

Image: © Eddie Safarik

On Tuesday 1st November Dunalley Primary School students were the first in Tasmania to experience a unique educational excursion aimed at teaching young people the importance of minimising landfill and maximising recycling to power the circular economy.

Developed by our associate members Southern Waste Solutions, in partnership with Mornington Park Waste Transfer Station and Landcare Tasmania, the Let’s Explore Waste program demonstrates waste disposal and recycling in action, teaching students to better understand their waste consumption and disposal habits.

Students got to explore the properties of disposed and recycled material, understand how they are processed and consider how Tasmanians can play a crucial role in minimising and managing waste for future generations.

These activities will be a way to increase student awareness of their impacts on the environment and provide positive ways to reduce waste and help others to do the same.  

It was a really great day out and the students quickly got to work sourcing tiles for a school garden mosaic. 

Read more and check out the news features of the excursion below. 


This program is part of Landcare Tasmania's South-East Landscape Program, and our Education program.  The excursion has been funded by State Government Landcare Action Grants and Southern Waste Solutions with support from Dunalley Primary School. 


Two days, two plantings 

This month we held two volunteer planting days as part of our South East Landscape Project.  We needed to get some plants in the ground that were long overdue thanks to heavy rain. 

On Saturday we managed to plant 500 trees and shrubs to extend a Landcare member's existing windbreak, planted last year as part of our previous landscape-scale project. 

On Sunday, the weather was less kind to us, raining for most of the day. Despite that, we managed to plant 50 beautiful trees and shrubs along a ridge on an individual member's property. A massive thank you to those who bravely turned up and worked hard before the rain got the better of us. 

These two plantings were an example of how important our Extra Hands network is in ensuring the success of projects. We wish to thank all volunteers who helped out from the bottom of our hearts - we value you so much! 

Not in the Extra-Hands network? Sign up now and you'll get all our volunteer call-outs for extra help with Landcare projects.  

This project is part of our Landscape Restoration Program, which aims to bring together several members working on common issues, to gain a greater long-term benefit at a landscape scale. Funded by: State Government Landcare Action Grants 


Action Grants Wrap Up

Image: LAG Field Day in the Coal River Valley © Huon Douglas 

Over the past 4 years, Landcare Tasmania has delivered four landscape-scale projects through the Tasmanian Government's Landcare Action Grants (LAG). Having recently wrapped up 4 rounds, these grants delivered a total of $335,000 in funding to 50 grant recipients working on 63 project sites across Tasmania. 

LAG funding was spread over 4 rounds, each targeting a catchment-scale project. These were the Meander Valley Production Zone (round 2), the Coal River Valley (round 3), South East Tasmania (round 4), and a general round (round 1). 94% of funding in rounds 2-4 involved revegetation or assisted regeneration activities on farms and private properties.

A huge variety of participants were involved, including existing Landcare members (farmers, landholders, community groups, schools) industry partners and more. 

By connecting many participants in a catchment-scale project, we were able to work together, pool resources and achieve greater results for the environment.  

The four projects have empowered the community to act on local issues within their catchment.  Through connecting landcarers across the state, a resilient community, which is equipped with the knowledge to succeed, is emerging.

The LAG rounds were part of our Landscape Restoration Program, which aims to bring together several members working on common issues, to gain a greater long-term benefit at a landscape scale.  The projects were also included in our Outreach Program, which aims to increase capacity for Landcarers through training and workshops. Funded by: State Government Landcare Action Grants 


Member Focus: Tamar NRM Caught it in the Catchment 

305 participants collected a whopping 1031.25kg of rubbish at Tamar NRM's Catch it in the Catchment 2022! We are very proud of the incredible effort of volunteer muscle put in to this important work.  Thank you to all involved in caring for the health of the kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary.  

Promoting member activities forms part of our Member Support program, helping to provide a voice for community Landcarers.


Events Volunteers Needed (North West)

Would you like exclusive access to Landcare Tasmania's events?

Why not help out as a volunteer?

We are putting together our North West Volunteer Events Team to help support our community events.  Read more to found out about the role and how you can help.  


Image: Cataract Gorge Field Trip © Huon Douglas

Landcare Tas 2022 AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Landcare Tasmania Inc. will be held on Friday 25th November at 4:00 pm in Hobart at RACV Hobart Hotel, and online via Zoom.

Keynote Speaker: Dr Ian Cresswell

We are pleased to welcome Dr Ian Cresswell, co-Chair of the national State of the Environment report, to speak at this year's AGM.  Ian has extensive national and international experience in ecosystem and species management, protected areas, oceans governance, and fisheries and wildlife regulation. 

Image: ResearchGate


Sincere Sympathy at the loss of Hans Wapstra 

Landcare Tasmania extends our deepest sympathies for the loss of Hans Wapstra, avid naturalist and dedicated Landcarer who will be greatly missed by the Landcare community. 

Hans has always been generous with his incredible knowledge, freely giving professional support and advice to many of our members, and Council’s environmental officers, over many years. Hans has made an enormous contribution to Kingborough Landcare, and our understanding and knowledge of plants, animals and the environment. 

"We arrived in Australia in 1970 as migrants on an assisted passage.  Both of us could be best described as naturalists with a broad interest in all sorts of things, but with a strong focus on flora. When we arrived in Tasmania we found we could recognise very little of the flora, except of course, introduced weeds native to Europe. Orchids seemed an ideal family to come to grips with, as there were only 145 species, and orchids were very rare in Holland and had a special fascination for us." 

-Hans and Annie Wapstra


Member Focus: Fossil Bluff Hill Revegetation Project 

Wynyard Landcare's Fossil Bluff Hill Revegetation Project aims to provide a suitable habitat for bandicoots and birds plus a nature reserve for people to enjoy and appreciate.  This project is based on the understanding that small reserves have big value. 



Read more: the importance of small reserves by Sarah Lloyd (PDF)




This project was submitted to Landcare Tasmania's Project Bank and received support from the Tasmanian Landcare Fund.  This forms part of our Member Support program.  



Todd Dudley Interview with ABC Radio

Listen to Todd Dudley, president of North East Bioregional Network and Landcare Tasmania Members Council representative, talk ecosystem restoration, flood mitigation, and volunteer land management challenges with ABC Radio.



Upcoming Events  

1st Dec | No time to waste - AEGN Webinar

The Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network (AEGN) aim to grow the amount of philanthropic funds going to the environment within Australia. Their webinar 'no time to waste' shares their strategic plan as we enter the most critical decade for the planet. Register Here


1st Dec & 10th Dec | Regenerative Agriculture Network Tasmania - Farm Walks 

1 December, 2022 at 11am - 1pm, "Barega", Evandale
Chris and Shelley run fine wool merino sheep.and have had grazing trials on their property for three years. They are rolling out the trial findings to paddock scale. 
Register Here

Saturday, 10 December at 11am - 1pm, "Valleyfield", Glen Huon
Marshall and Meredith run a beef cattle operation and have been grazing at high stock density with long recoveries for around two years. Register Here


8th Dec | Caring for Landcarers with Jessie Panazzolo 

An event for Landcare members. How do we care for ourselves while caring for the land? We are very pleased to announce guest speaker for the evening, Jessie Panazzolo, founder of Lonely Conservationists and author of How to Conserve Conservationists who will be helping us care for Landcarers. 

Landcare Tas Online Shop

Get ready for giving season with some gorgeous cards that support the environment!



Tasmanian Landcare Fund

Landcare projects need your support. Donate to our tax-deductible gift recipient fund, the Tasmanian Landcare Fund and support the important work of community Landcare today. 


Thanks for reading

The Landcare Tasmania Team

Peter Stronach – CEO
Priscilla Richards – Member Services Manager
Rachel Larner – Finance and Administration Manager
Kat Traill - Events Coordinator 
Jenn Gason – Communications Officer
Evie Drinnan – Project Officer
Joy Pfleger – Project Officer
Cynthia Schaap – Project Officer
Claire Byrne - Executive Assistant 
Lily Fraser - Project Officer