Know Your Local Patch Dover: Painting for Swifties
We're kicking off 2024 with more Know Your Local Patch events for families and young people to explore their local environment.
Sorry, Taylor, we're talking about the bird of the year here... join us with Dover Landcare and local artists as we paint a parrot with an excellent Reputation - the swift parrot! We'll have a Blank Space for you to do your magic on, and we promise that your finished works will never go out of style. So come say "It's me, hi, I'm the painter, it's me" with us for a fun day.
Free event!
Time: 10am till 12noon
Bring: drink, snack, hat, jacket.
Note: Parent/guardian supervision is required for the event duration for children under 13.
This event is part of our Education Program and is funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Premier’s Fund for Children and Young People.
Thank you to TMAG for their support for our "Mini Swift Parrot Museum" at this event.
Thank you to Artery for the support in acquiring art supplies for this event.